
The only auction platform that combines the advantages of the backend and WhatsApp, ensuring you strong access to the mobile numbers of active investors - from our filtered and classified database.
Auction Filter
One day
Actual value of assets: 2,000,000 riyal
Starting bidding amount: 150,000 riyal
One day
Actual value of assets: 70,000 riyal
Starting bidding amount: 20,000 riyal
One day
Annual asset profitability: 420,000 riyal
Actual value of assets: 3,500,000 riyal
Starting bidding amount: 500,000 riyal

Why choose the Virtual Community Auction Platform?

قروب المزادات من شركة المجتمع الافتراضي - Auction Group from VC-Company
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Bid, and Be the Winner

Easy Steps to Participate

Register on the platform


Deposite the insurance amount


Bid and win

Common Questions

Selling through an auction ensures you get the fair and true price for the asset you are selling without underestimation or exploitation. It also guarantees the buyer the opportunity to purchase promising investment assets at a suitable price.

Real estate, projects, cars, and other tangible products.

Register on the Virtual Community platform and then follow the participation steps mentioned, whether you are a seller or a bidder.

The hosting fee is 5,000 SAR, which covers the marketing of the auction by the Virtual Community platform to help promote it and inform investors. Although this does not guarantee the sale of the auctioned asset, it increases the likelihood of a successful auction. After the auction is completed, a 2.5% fee is deducted from the auction closing value from both the seller and the buyer, which is allocated to the Virtual Community company.

Add Your Own Auction

Do you have an item you want to sell at auction? Join our community and add your auction now! You can showcase your item to potential buyers all over Saudi Arabia and get the best offers.