A large, distinctive and old civil defense equipment establishment in the market, for sale by public auction. The establishment is located in Riyadh and specializes in installing and maintaining fire alarm and extinguishing devices. Its features: – The age of the commercial register is 34 years – A distinctive trade name – There are two licenses from the Supreme Commission for Industrial Security – A license for fire alarm – A license for fire extinguishing – Implementation of all types of projects such as residential complexes, factories, warehouses and medical complexes – The existence of a previous work history for major clients in the market and they were mentioned in an attached file – All contracted projects have been implemented – It has a previous and large income, which is as follows for the last two years: 2022: Total annual income is approximately 26 million riyals, with a net profit of approximately 12 million riyals 2023: Total annual income is approximately 18 million riyals, with a net profit of approximately 7 million and 500 thousand riyals There are financial statements for review and a list of clients and implemented projects for review Reason for sale: Need for immediate cash flow and there is no current labor * Note that there are unspecified evaluations The institution is approved for a value ranging between 13 and 15 million riyals *And that the current management is ready to continue working after the sale of the institution. The auction starts from only two million and 700 thousand riyals. The auction is on 10/15/2024. Seize the opportunity and register now for the auction. For inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us.

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