Direct Reach Service

Deliver your marketing message directly to new customers via the most important and latest marketing tool, WhatsApp.
More than 170 thousand customers representing a wide spectrum of society , including pioneers, businessmen and women, and owners of various professions and specializations, are waiting for your message and what it contains of services, products, projects and deals.

Expand your circle of relationships and achieve direct access to tens of thousands of members through the DR service from the Virtual Community Company, which has transformed WhatsApp into an indispensable tool in the world of money and business. We rely on the identity verification system (Absher) to ensure the safety of dealings between members and to raise the quality and credibility of our services.
DR service allows you to customize a package of choice starting from 1000 members and above to send a message containing an image, advertising text and a link (video, website or PDF file) to achieve your goal. Thus, you have the full ability to determine the number and interests of your customers and reach them directly with the utmost ease and effectiveness.
Not only that, but you will also get premium advertising packages for free as follows:
– When you contract to reach 25,000 customers or more directly, you will receive a silver advertising package.
– When you contract to directly reach 50 thousand customers or more, you get a golden advertising package.
– When you contract to reach 75 thousand customers or more directly, you will receive a diamond advertising package.
Note that each contract includes one free gift from the previous packages , and you can view the details of each package through the platform’s advertising packages page . Now, you can detail the direct access service and send a purchase request so that we can start implementing the service for you directly after arranging a meeting with our consulting team to help you achieve the best possible impact with your advertising message according to the standards and specifications followed by international companies.

Why is Direct Reach the right choice for you?

خدمة الوصول المباشر

لطلب الخدمة برجاء ادخال البيانات التالية


إجمالي التكلفة ريال سعودي

الضوابط والاحكام:

– مدة صلاحية خدمة الوصول الفعال 6 أشهر, أي أنه فور شرائك للخدمة يحق لك استخدامها للوصول للعدد المتفق عليه خلال مدة الـ 6أشهر.
– يمكنك الحصول على خصم يتراوح من 15 % إلى 30% على سعر الباقة المفصلة من طرفك عند اشتراكك في عضوية النخبة أو النخبة بريميوم…للاشتراك اضغط هنا
– لا تضمن خدمة الوصول الفعال تحقيقك هدفك التسويقي (مثال: بيع خدمة أو منتج أو جذب شركاء لمشروعك) فالأمر يعتمد على جاذبية وقوة ما تطرح وحسن أسلوب عرضة عبر رسالة موجزة ومركزة مدعمة بصورة أو فيديو كما تشاء.

Direct Reach

To request the service, please enter the following Information:


Total cost SAR

Terms & Conditions:

– The validity period of the Active Access service is 6 months, meaning that once you purchase the service, you have the right to use it to reach the agreed number during the 6-month period.
– You can get a discount ranging from 15% to 30% on the price of the package detailed by you when you subscribe to the elite or premium elite membership… To subscribe, click here
– The Active Access service does not guarantee that you will achieve your marketing goal (for example: selling a service or product or attracting partners for your project), as it depends on the attractiveness and strength of what you are offering and the good style of presentation through a brief and focused message supported by an image or video as you wish.

get to know me

common questions

DR service is a WhatsApp-based marketing tool to directly reach new customers from different categories.

You can send texts, images, links to websites, videos or PDF files.

You can detail the required service and send the purchase order, then arrange a meeting with the consulting team to start implementation.

no, The service is available to both individuals and companies who wish to expand their network and reach new customers.

Still have questions? Contact us now